Labels:book | door | encyclical | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: KidZone! .continued Installation Instructions Getting Started With NautilusCD Here IS step-hy-step pracess tO install NoutilusCD and create a Program Manager group on your hard and others, written for by kids. We deliver a collection Note: You DO NOT have ta reinstall with each monthly NautilusCD disc; we will alert you to upgrades aS of hot easy-to-use kid-tested shareware Ard we re featuring needed afun house 0 additional multimedia activities or youngsters NautilusCD including: Insert Installing the NoutilusCD clisc intp YOU CD ROM drive Subscriptions Fax: Yoice: 7.days Int'T Voice: 800/ 614/76 week 614 /637-3472 1-4110 766-3165 hours a day An A digital interactive collection of coloring storybook book kid-made activity with the multimedia "Rug Bugs about everything Enter From Then Usin ...